Singing 101

Singing 101

Singing is a skill that anyone can improve on and master, it is the soul of the music and is the main focus most of the time. When you're singing you will be expressing yourself and delivering beautiful harmonies that people love, singing is something that is available in all types of music and something that everyone can love and resonate with. Singing is unique because it is not an instrument at all and varies a lot from person to person, some people have better voices for singing and can pick it up quite easily, some people struggle a lot and require a lot of training. But no matter how good you are at singing, it will benefit you to learn some basic techniques and skills.

An important thing you need to learn in order to sing good are vocal exercises, as you need to train your vocal chords in order to deliver those smooth high notes. Before you do any major performance, it is a good idea to warm up for 15 minutes beforehand so that your vocals are ready and to avoid any harsh sounds. 

Often Should I Practice?

Depending on how much free time or what kind of person you are, the right amount of practice time will vary a lot. An important thing is consistency as it has massive benefits to improving your playing so aim to practice every day even if that just means 5 minutes. 

The type of practice you do can be simple stuff such as learning new songs, playing scales or exercises to improve hand dexterity and developing new techniques. But having fun will be the thing that benefits you the most in the long run as you will think of practice as an entertaining activity, so no matter what you practice, make sure you are enjoying it. 

It is recommended to play in a band as early as possible in your musical journey as you will learn essential and valuable skills from playing with other musicians. It will also develop a love for music and create valuable memories as you will be socialising, having fun and creating music with other people.

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